Welcome to Ozford, an innovative educational institution located right in the heart of Melbourne.
You can find us at 123 Lonsdale St. Melbourne VIC 3000.
At Ozford we believe our success is in the success of our students, which is why we are committed to achieving excellence in education.
Our outstanding staff, first class facilities and practical learning programs will provide you with the tools to achieve your study and professional goals. Our spacious classrooms are bursting with natural light and are equipped with the latest technology to provide a dynamic learning environment. Students also have access to wide-ranging library and online resources, computers, Wi-Fi and internet, printing and kitchen facilities.
Melbourne offers the best of all Australian Cities and our campus is walking distance to some of the best shopping, restaurants, museums, theatres, entertainment, sporting venues and tourist attractions.
At Ozford we offer local and international students high-quality education and pathways across four main areas:
At Ozford the emphasis is on linking theory with practice to ensure students receive not only an academic education but practical life experiences.
We have an excellent range of services to take care of you, help you plan your studies and support your academic or future employability needs. Our academic and professional staff are passionate and committed, warm and friendly, highly qualified, knowledgeable and experienced.
We are dedicated to excellence in education and our commitment is to help you reach your study and career goals. Your success is our success!
In the early 2000s the Ozford brand was conceived and a new provider embarked on a path to fulfil a dream of education and training to both domestic and international students from diverse backgrounds and varied economic and social means.
New Certificate IV in TESOL accredited
ELICOS student finalist in the Victorian International Education Awards
Expands and moves to new campus at 310 King St Melbourne
February 2016: First cohort of Business degree students
CPA and CAA Accreditation of Bachelor of Business (Accounting) degree
Auspicing agreements signed with high schools to deliver VET in Schools
Partnerships developed for direct entry pathways to Australian universities
Ozford renowned for its strong student support and extra-curricular activities
Ozford VCE students achieve outstanding results and take up university offers at ANU, Melbourne, Monash, Victoria and other institutions
Ozford navigates world-wide economic downturn through ability to understand , Ozford College of Business accredited to deliver VET Certificate IV in TESOL
Expands and moves to new campus at Ozford House in Lonsdale St Melbourne
Expands and moves to new campus in Latrobe St Melbourne
Ozford College of Business established to deliver accredited Vocational Education and Training
Ozford English Language Centre commenced teaching English programs
Commencement of High School Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Program in Bourke St Melbourne
There are several universities and higher education providers in the city. If you would like to study a degree course in the heart of the city, Ozford does not use special formulas to select students. We look at every single applicant’s application, academic and personal, to select students who suit to our community with a full range of backgrounds. We focus on changing the world for better tomorrow for each individual. Choosing Ozford, you’re choosing the right place.