English for Academic Purposes (EAP)


English for Academic Purposes(EAP Course)

(CRICOS Code 060426K)

Du Duration 24 weeks
CH Class hours 20 hours per week Tue-Fri 8:30 – 14:15
Location Location 123 Lonsdale Street, VIC. 3000, Melbourne (facilities gallery)
Acs Average class size  15 students
La Levels available Level 3
Er Entry requirements Minimum Level 3 or IELTS 5.5


If you are planning to enrol in further study in Australia you may need more than only General English language preparation. This EAP course has been designed specifically to develop the language capability, critical, analytical and other relevant skills required to successfully cope with tertiary studies. The EAP course consolidates language competence while building study skills and problem-solving abilities.

Learning Outcomes

The main aims of the EAP course are to develop the language skills, the academic skills and cultural awareness needed for successful living in Australia and studying in Australian universities. Language skills include: Study Skills, Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. These areas of study include preparation for the following situations or study activities:

  1. Lectures/talks listening and understanding, note-taking, asking questions
  1. Seminars/tutorials listening and note taking, asking and answering questions, agreeing, disagreeing, expressing and supporting opinions, interpreting data
  1. Private study reading efficiently, skimming and scanning, analysing data, note taking, summarising
  1. Research skills library skills, Internet search engines, summary writing and critical reviews
  1. Essays/reports and presentations

planning, writing drafts, revising, organizing information, using quotations, footnotes, referencing, using data, proofreading, oral summaries and presentations

speaking-2 Participating in classroom discussions, Planning and conducting short surveys, Oral presentations, Making requests, suggestions and negotiating in academic contexts
listening-2 Listening to formal/ informal conversations in academic contexts, Listening and following lectures, talks and presentations, Following sets of sequences and instructions, Academic listening and note-taking
writing-2 Writing short research summaries, Planning, drafting and editing argumentative essays and research surveys, Describing diagrams, tables and charts, Paraphrasing referenced material
reading-2 Reading a range of texts, Identifying text types and features, Reading for gist and specific information, Skimming and scanning
vocabulary-2 Learning and using a range of grammatical structures, functions and vocabulary items to communicate ideas for a range of texts
research-2 Academic referencing, Maintaining an assessment portfolio, Locating relevant research information, Identifying and using independent learning strategies

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EAP Learning Outcomes


During the course students complete assessments that test their ability to engage in academic research and present their findings in both aural and written text. Students are tested in the four macro skill areas inclusive of essay writing, report writing, summary writing, listening and note-taking, and presenting.


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