Ozford is committed to providing quality educational programs for students to achieve their educational and personal goals and embrace lifelong learning. Ozford fosters a personalised environment where students can develop skills and values to enable them to participate effectively in their chosen career field and the wider community.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to create an innovative educational institution with the best possible opportunities offered to students to excel academically and maximise their potential.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide every student with the opportunity to develop skills attained by undertaking real life learning based on global needs and progress. Our dedicated staff provide a student-focused approach to ensure a supportive, individualised and innovative learning experience. Ozford is committed to the achievement of excellence in education. A student’s success is Ozford’s success.
We strive for the highest quality in every aspect of our work.
We are passionately committed to delivering quality educational experiences and expanding all learners’ horizons.
We work together to achieve our vision, mission and objectives.
We act responsibly and honestly in all we do.
We promote inter-cultural awareness and understanding through authentic experiences both within the Ozford community and the broader Australian and global community.
We respect all our clients and stakeholders by providing a caring Ozford community based on openness, fairness and friendship. We recognise that with rights come responsibilities to ourselves, our clients and our stakeholders.