General English Course


General English Course in Melbourne

(CRICOS Code 048142A)

Du Duration 10 – 40 weeks
CH Class hours 20 hours per week Tue-Fri 8:30 – 14:15
Location Location 123 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, VIC. 3000.
Acs Average class size 15 – 18 students
La Level available  Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
Er Entry requirements Beginners and above


For students who want to learn “real life English”, Ozford offers all levels of General English delivering new and relevant topics each week (10 weeks each level). Your class will focus on valuable and practical communication skills for a range of situations. You will meet people from different countries and cultures while learning what you need at your own pace. Your level of English is tested on your first day at Ozford. Promotion to the next English language level is possible as you progress. You will be assessed in the four macro skills, speaking, listening, reading and writing each week of the course. The General English course also includes a range of exciting excursions and dynamic English sessions.

Learning Outcome

General English classes focus on valuable and practical communication skills for students who are intending to improve their English skills for work or study-related reasons. With the aim of developing students’ employability, the learning objectives are taken from the Australian Core Skills Framework. We aim to develop students’ language skills needed to successfully undertake further studies at Ozford or elsewhere in Australia.

“Three Domains of Communication, within which the lessons are driven towards are:
personal and community
workplace and employment
education and training.” – Australian Core Skills Framework 

speaking-2 Practising using a wide range of themes and topics, Conversation practice, Functional communication, Pronunciation, Presenting in English, Conducting surveys
listening-2 Listening to social conversations, Understanding different contexts, Understanding sequence and time, Following instructions, Conducting surveys, YouTube world
writing-2 Filling out forms, Writing letters and emails, Developing paragraphs, Note-taking and summarising, Writing descriptive and narrative essays, Writing blogs, Writing for social media
reading-2 Reading for gist and for detailed information, Skimming and scanning, Reading signs, menus, advertisements and forms, Reading for pleasure, Evaluating different reading texts, Online news reading
vocabulary-2 Discovering new language, Using synonyms and antonyms, Using idiomatic expressions, Using practical, authentic grammar, Vocabulary for – social, work, academic, online
research-2 Setting personal learning goals, Time management, Independent learning strategies, Keeping personal records for self- reflection, Reviewing and editing work, Using online learning technologies
Download PDF 

Level 1 Learning Outcomes  Level 2 Learning Outcomes Level 3 Learning Outcomes


Students are assessed in the four macro skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing each week of the General English course. Grammar progress is tested weekly and macro skills are assessed according to a set of outcomes following the Australian Core Skills Framework.  Students must achieve 50% or higher on 70% of their assessment tasks in a compulsory study period in order to receive a satisfactory pass. All students’ results are recorded in the Student Report, which is an End-of-course award document that indicates grades and levels of achievement. End of Course reports are issued after the first 10 weeks. End of course certificate and descriptors are issued on completion of the General English course.


General English Course Fees: Click here

Intakes: Every Monday



General English Course Melbourne


General English Course Melbourne