Student Success Hub


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Ozford Daniel can assist any student who would like to strengthen their study skills to achieve success on their academic pathway.

Student Success Coach
The Student Success Coach will assist you in achieving your academic and career goals, so you can acquire the skills and qualifications you need to perform your future job duties. Daniel will assist you by providing advice in areas such as community involvement, life skills, how to approach internships and interviews as well as engaging students in lifelong learning.
A student success coach will assist you in professional development through personalized consultations and help you realise your skills and aptitude as an employee and help you achieve your career goals by building your OZFolio, assisting with writing resumes and cover letters and searching for potential job opportunities.

In order to have a competitive advantage in the job market, students need to have developed global skills during their time at university.  The Ozford Student Success program helps you develop the key skills you need to be career ready once you graduate. The program will maximize your potential for academic success and prepare you to enter the job market with confidence. All workshops and students appointments are free and tailored to students’ needs.

While studying at Ozford, we aim to make sure all students are career ready they graduate. As part of the Ozford Job Ready program we assist students in creating their own OZFolio. An OZFolio is a career portfolio and it is the perfect tool to impress future employers. An OZFolio highlights your accomplishments, identifies your skills, and presents your qualifications in a logical sequence.

You can use an OZFolio in a job interview to demonstrate your skills and abilities in a visual way allowing you to really stand out from the crowd.
Get career ready. Make an appointment with the Student Success Coach or Student Career Coach to create your OZFolio and discuss potential job opportunities.

Career Workshops