As we are still recovering from the lockdown and its consequences, it is essential to remind ourselves of a few basics of self-care to cope with the stress. Indeed, it has been less than a year since we were made free, and all the changes and pressure from the past three years have been building up on all of our shoulders, slowly but surely. In the team, we have definitely felt it, and that’s why we would like to share with you some of the tips that have worked with us:

“Me time”

Taking time for yourself is probably one of the most critical aspects.

  • Exercise a whole lot that will help you get your mind off negative aspects of your life, and the more you do it, the fitter you get
  • Hang out with a pet. Or a sibling. Whatever helps you destress the most. In both cases, it is a good outlet for stress and (in the case of sibling) potentially anger too, just try not to bite.
  • Eat nutritious, healthy food at normal intervals. This sounds very basic, but I can’t stress how important a good diet is. The effects and the changes engendered by doing so will probably not hit you like a slap, but a few weeks from now you will be able to retrospect on your experience and you will realize how intense the impact is.
  • Keep your personal hygiene to good standards. Besides keeping you in good health, having a routine with your hygiene will give you a structure on which you can rely when everything else fails. Bonus: it’s impossible to tell whether you are crying once you’re in the shower.


While the previous point has a lot to do with physical things that can improve your mental health, this point focuses on what you can do to relax your mind and connect back with yourself.

  • Practicing meditation or yoga can greatly help you connect with your inner self and calm down in periods of intense stress. Clarifying your mind will help you see more clearly through your mangled thoughts and will often help you pull through
  • Your inner monologue is a powerful weapon: preventing it from being too negative and pushing it to become positive will boost your confidence to unprecedented levels. Your motivation is your single most powerful power and weapon.


Leaving some time to explore your creative side can improve your happiness!

  • Your favorite music and/or podcasts will increase your dopamine levels. And dopamine is, quite literally, happiness. And we love happiness. We want happiness. So please listen to your favorite audio piece. Now. Treat yourself.
  • Remember your favorite dish that your mom used to make for you a while ago? Well, give it a go. Whether it is through the burns along the process or through the final product, cooking/backing can bring you a whole lot of dopamine too! Just… Don’t touch the hot pan, please. Thank you.

Whatever it is make sure you sprinkle your busy, stressful, hectic life with some hints of happiness and personal time. While you might think at first that you are wasting time with non-productive activities, you will soon realize how greatly they improve your productivity in your everyday life. For any concerns, doubts, or questions you might have keep in mind that our Welfare Agent is here to support you at the following address: