Have you got any questions burning the tip of your tongue? Do you still wonder what our campus looks like? Would you like to meet our staff to discuss something that troubles you right now? Well, you’re in luck! Our Open Days are coming up very soon, and we sure hope you will participate in this adventure. Don’t miss out and register now at this link to secure your spot. 

During those Open Days, you will get the chance to have a personal tour of our campus. That includes a time of our facilities in both locations (123 Lonsdale St & 108 Lonsdale St).

Those facilities with a vibrant atmosphere feature many things:

-Modern equipment throughout the classrooms and campus

-Spacious basement and an amazing place to enjoy your lunch with friends at the Ozford community

-Many computers are available as well as Wi-Fi is available everywhere on campus

-Culinary facilities (microwaves, fridges, boiling water, ice cold water)

And much more which I would hate to spoil for you… Come and ask us about those on the 13th of August! 

Besides the very exciting tour we offer you; we would also like to welcome you in due form. That’s why our staff will be eagerly waiting to welcome you from 11 am, at the reception. There, you will get to chat to us about anything you might want to clarify, and we hope that you will enjoy the complimentary food and drinks available to you. It will also be a great opportunity to explore in-depth the range of study options available to you and have a feel for the vibe of our campus!