

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip. This...
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Or watch the video from Youku On the 24th of January 2019, Ozford Institute of Higher Education (OIHE) celebrated its second graduation event on campus. Attendees at the ceremony included the graduates, their family and friends, academic and professional staff from the Institute, distinguished guests and respected members of the Governing and Academic Boards. The...
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We wish all our students the greatest success on their academic pathway. #ozfordsuccess #studentsuccess #bethehappyachiever
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Last day of High School for 2018
Friday 7th December marked the last day of High School for 2018 for the Year 10 and 11 students. We would like to thank everyone who joined us for a school assembly and end of year Christmas celebrations, and all our students for a wonderful year. Congratulations to those students who received an Effort or...
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English Language student
   We wish all our students the greatest success on their academic pathway. #ozfordsuccess #studentsuccess #bethehappyachiever
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   The year 10 English students have been undertaking their exams this week. After studying the novel ‘Love Ghosts and Nose Hair’ by Steven Herrick, and watching the film ‘Looking for Alibrandi’ by Kate Woods, students were required to write a comparative essay about themes in the two texts. For some students, this is their...
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Press coverage of the workshop for school principals organised by AP Chambers of Commerce and Industry Federation in association with Austrade in Novotel Hotel. #ozfordaustralia director @ #vizag                   
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    Inquisitive minds taking it all in at the famous Scienceworks museum. #ozfun
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Ozford Australia in Vizag-India
All #principals in #vizag are invited to attend the workshop to hear #ozfordaustralia Director speak about the “21st Century Global Skills” “JOLI” Event organised in conjunction with #austradedelhi and #AndhraPradeshChambersofcommerceandIndustryFederation “Power to shape the future”. Event is *by invitation only*. Message us if you like to attend. #ozfordaustralia Director Ms Rong Liu will be in...
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OzfordAustralia-HighSchool Exam
High school students in Year 10 and 11, it is close to your end of year exams now. Please check your exam timetable via your student email account.
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