High School in Melbourne

Ozford College, in the heart of Melbourne, is a senior secondary high school accredited by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. We are a member of the Independent Schools of Victoria and our High School program for Australian and international students starts at Year 10 and leads to the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). We are an innovative school offering our students the best possible opportunities to maximise their potential and excel academically. Success is our goal and a student’s success is Ozford’s success

Our Philosophy

We are committed to providing quality educational programs for students to achieve their educational and personal goals and embrace lifelong learning. Ozford fosters a personalised environment where students can develop skills and values to enable them to participate effectively in their chosen career field and the wider community. Ozford College supports and promotes the Principles and Practice of Australian Democracy, and these concepts underpin the design of our Curriculum and our college policies.

Our Teachers

Our teachers are experienced, passionate and dedicated to providing a student-focused approach to ensure a supportive, individualised and enjoyable learning experience. Ozford is committed to the achievement of excellence in education

Academic Achievements 2020 VCE

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2020 for their collective achievements and academic results. Ozford College is proud of the purposeful way in which our students committed themselves to their learning.


Ozford College Pty Ltd CRICOS No. 02427A Registered School No. 2016. We are accredited and quality assured through the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and we are a proud member of the Independent Schools of Victoria association

Child Safe Statement

Ozford is committed to provide a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Ozford has zero tolerance to child abuse and is committed to the protection and wellbeing of all children in its school environment. Ozford’s Child Safe framework and practices , provide an overview of child safe issues and risks, and to provide implementation guidelines related to the Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359 including the strategies to prevent or minimise risks to child abuse.