After two long years of delays, Melbourne’s biggest careers event is back! It truly is an event we missed here at Ozford Institute of Higher Education, as it is a moment we treasure. It is our chance to connect with students and parents, we get to know you better and that’s what we are all about! With that said, it is obvious that the past two years of lockdown and the inability to take part in such events were awful, but we are thrilled to see you this year around.
Welcoming over 120 exhibitors, this exposition will spoil you for choice in regards to your pathways options. This event is the ideal occasion to network, share your knowledge & experience with industry peers, but most importantly discover new exciting pathways that suit you, at no cost! Click here to discover how.
After 2 years of not running, the Melbourne Career Expo kicks off to a great fresh start in 2022. Located in the heart of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, you will find this buzzing and lively exposition at door 7. This year, you can expect over 120 exhibitors ranging from education providers, the army and also some of Melbourne’s most prestigious institutions (us, lol). It is your chance to come and connect with individuals susceptible of forever impacting your plans and vision for the best. You might also be lucky and go home with a plethora of freebies and snacks that stands will be giving away. Do I really need more reasons to try and convince you to join us?
The exposition will last over 3 days, from Friday to Sunday:
- Friday 15 July 10am – 3pm
- Saturday 16 July 10am – 4pm
- Sunday 17 July 10am – 4pm

The floorplan is available for download here. Some food is available for purchase at the café located in the exposition centre. Conveniently located close to the entrance and exit, you will find us at stand number 78. Throughout the day, you will get to enjoy several keynotes and demonstrations that will take place on the main stage and seminar rooms 1&2. In Seminar room 2, we are delighted to announce that the following people will be speaking on our behalf:
- Friday 15th: Study Loans – Cost Benefit | Kevin, 10:30 AM
- Saturday 16th: Second language acquisition: the gateway to a better career | Damian, 11:30 AM
- Sunday 17th: VCE to Higher Education: the experience of Enzo at Ozford | Enzo, 12:00PM
For those of you who would like more information, the complete schedule for the seminars is available here, the main stage schedule is here, the full list of exhibitors is available here and you can download the events guide here.
For those of you who would like more information:
Do you know what the best thing is? The entry is completely free. I wonder who, in their right mind, would want to miss out on this opportunity! Grab your tickets today, by clicking HERE and come say hi to our enthusiastic team at stand 78!