
ELICOS Christmas Party 2019

On Thursday 19th December, ELICOS Students got into the festive spirit and celebrated the end of term with a Christmas party. For many of our English language learning students, it was their first Christmas in Australia so we made sure it was fun! There was a selection of traditional Christmas food, lots of singing and […]

Higher Education Graduates of 2019

On Thursday 12th December, friends and family gathered to celebrate with the Ozford Higher Education Graduates of 2019. 15 students attended the ceremony and were awarded their certified degree certificates in Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Accounting. Other awards were given to those who showed true dedication and willingness over the last three years […]

A fun afternoon at Scienceworks Museum

On Thursday 12th December, our ELICOS students spent the afternoon exploring the wonderful world of Science. Students visited Scienceworks, which is rated one of the best places in Melbourne to learn outside the classroom. Students enjoyed all the interactive games and activities around the museum and especially liked Sportsworks. In Sportsworks, visitors can test their […]

Congratulations to our 2019 Graduates

On Thursday 12th December, family and friends gathered at Ozford to celebrate the graduation of Higher Ed students who successfully completed their degrees. 15 students were presented their degree certificates by Ozford’s Academic Dean, Professor Sheikh Rahman. As well as receiving their Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Accounting degrees, awards were given to students […]

High School Student achieves 95.25% in ATAR results

Enzo Peperkamp, study in High School, shows the world just how amazing he is by achieving 95.25% in his ATAR results. Enzo, 16 from France, ranks himself in the top 5% of the State and becomes the highest ranking student who has studied at Ozford. For those who are not familiar with what ATAR is, […]

Volunteering with Conservation Australia

On Thursday 5th December, our ELICOS students spent the afternoon volunteering in Pipemakers Park in Maribyrnong. The students learnt about native/indigenous vegetation and how introduced species are harmful. Team leader, Jess, showed the group how to identify the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ plants, and how to use the garden tools to remove all the […]

Scavenger Hunt in the Botanical Gardens

Thursday 28th November was an exciting day for ELICOS students! Students headed to the Botanical Gardens for the afternoon to participate in a scavenger hunt. Students used the Goosechase app, which is an interactive game that requires competitors to complete challenges and activities in teams. Students were given ‘missions to complete’ and post to the […]