Are you an Australian citizen attending a university or an approved higher education provider? 

Do you need help paying your course fees? 

If your answers were yes, you might benefit from getting a FEE-HELP loan to pay all or part of your tuition fees. 

Here at Ozford, you can study our undergraduate programs on FEE-HELP, and this can relieve the stresses and burdens of having to scrimp and save to make sure you meet the payment dates and instead focus on your studies.  

What is it? 

It’s essentially a loan for eligible fee-paying students to help with part or all of their tuition fees for units of study undertaken with a body that has been approved as an Institute of Higher Education under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA). Check the list of providers here:

What does it cover? 

A FEE-HELP loan does not cover costs like accommodation, laptops, or textbooks, but it does cover all or part of your course fees. The HELP Loan limit for 2021 is currently at $108,232. You will not be eligible for FEE-HELP if you have exceeded this limit in previous studies. 

Am I eligible? 

Students must meet the citizenship or residency requirements. You must be enrolled in the unit of study on or before the census date and remain enrolled at the end of the census date. Students must also meet Tax File Number (TFN) requirements and apply for a valid USI.

How does it work? 

The Government pays the amount of the loan directly to the student’s higher education provider.

How do I apply? 

You must complete and submit a request for a FEE-HELP assistance form on or before the census date. Read and refer to the following documents and website for more information:

  1. FEE-HELP Information booklet
  2. Request for FEE-HELP assistance 
  3. The Australian Government’s Study Assist website.

Documents referred to in 1& 2 above are available from the Pay Fees tab on the Ozford website.