

This week’s excursion allowed our ELICOS students to experience the Road to Zero. Road to Zero is a state of the art, road safety learning experience located right here in the Melbourne! When our class entered the Road to Zero they were given a portable pass which allowed them to participate in activities on interactive...
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Ivy is our Student Recruitment Manager for Southeast Asia here at Ozford and has been with us for nearly 8 years! She first arrived in Melbourne almost 20 years ago now and still loves the city very much. Ivy came all the way from Vietnam and moved here on her own, back when she was...
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Ozford Child Safety Statement
Ozford is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Ozford has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to the protection and wellbeing of all children in its school environment. Ozford’s Child Safe...
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Karanbeer is one of our new Year 11 High School students who has just started here at Ozford. He has came all the way from India and has been in Australia for less than 2 months! So far Karanbeer loves the feel of Melbourne and thinks the city is a great environment full of lovely...
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Come join our Bachelor of Business or Bachelor of Business (Accounting) course where you will gain more than just a degree! Here at Ozford we believe that Higher Education should be much more than just studying. That’s why both our Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Business (Accounting) courses include internship units. These units give...
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Well done to 5 of our ELICOS students who have recently graduated from their ESSP class! We’re very happy to be having Kan, Ly and Core join Ozford Year 10 and Year 11 this Monday in our July Intake for High School. Ocean will also be returning back to us soon, as he begins another...
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A big warm welcome to our all new High School students! Don’t forget to come to Orientation this Friday, we can’t wait to meet you all. When? – Friday 12 July at 2 pm. Where? – Level 9, 310 King Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia. We look forward to seeing you all there!
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Amit is Head of Student Support and Administration here at Ozford. Amit joined us in March this year but he is no stranger to the education industry, as he has over 13 years experience.  He has a Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) and MBA with Majors in Marketing and Finance. In his spare time Amit...
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Well done to our ELICOS students who got involved in Australia’s Red Cross Pillowcase Project! Our students got the chance to contribute to a workshop which aims to encourage children to be active participants in their own emergency preparedness. It was great to see our students actively contributing towards our community while learning some valuable...
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A huge congratulations is in order for our 5 ELICOS graduates! We look forward to seeing some of you returning to Ozford to begin High School. Sarah and Joven have enjoyed their time with us and will be starting Ozford Year 10 in our July intake this year. Tuan and Nam will also be coming...
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