

Ozford Susan was in Kurukshetra and Karnal yesterday. Below you can see Susan meeting with new representatives in Kurukshetra. Here we can see many students having completed an information seminar in Karnal with Susan. It was all about Ozford and the programs that we offer. It was great to see so many students interested in...
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Congratulations to Ms Jamuna Pandey & Ms. Yuma Ale Magar for their outstanding academic performance in Block A units in Trimester 1, 2019. Ms Jamuna Pandey performed exceedingly well in Management Principles (MGT1100) and Ms. Yuma Ale Magar, in Business Statistics (STA1100). Both of the students were presented with a letter of Appreciation by Professor...
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Ozford Susan has kicked off her trip to India in Delhi, where she has been talking to our agents, providing training and meeting the teams. So far she has met with OECC, Discover Matrix, siec and iae global. Be sure to look on our social media pages for more updates about Susan’s trip and other...
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Are you want to study in Melbourne, Australia? Take a look at what our Melbourne Campus has to offer at 310 King Street.
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Let’s hear what our students have to say – here are some Indian and Nepalese students talking about Ozford Institute of Higher Education and what we have to offer. #ozfordaustralia#bethehappyachiever
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A very well done to Yoode, Leekung and Yok for completing their ESSP courses. These students have completed these courses during their break from school back in Thailand. You have been a great class and we will be sad to see you go. All the best in your travels back to Thailand, and we hope...
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Please be sure to meet Ozford Susan to talk about all things Ozford. She is visiting India from 13th May – 24th May, starting in Delhi, Chandigarh, Kurukshetra, Patiala, Nawanshar, Ludiana, Jalandhar, Amritsar and Barara. See you there! #ozfordaustralia #bethehappyachiever
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Congratulations Ford for completing your English Secondary School Preparation course. Ford will definitely be missed as he goes back to Thailand to continue his studies. Everyone at Ozford wishes you the best of luck and hopefully we will see you back in Australia soon! #ozfordaustralia #bethehappyachiever
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Ozford Susan will be starting her India trip in Delhi on 13 May 2019. She will be visiting some of our fabulous agents including Discover Matrix. Susan will be at the Delhi office of Discover Matrix at 12 noon. If you have any questions about Ozford and the programs we offer, please be sure to...
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Susan will be travelling all the way to India on 13-24th May. She will be visiting a number of our lovely agents. Susan will be holding a number of seminars telling everyone about our ELICOS, High School and Higher Education programs. Be sure to say hello.
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