
Ozford Year 10 Excursion

Ozford Year 10 Science class went on an excursion to Holmesglen for a practical session. They investigated how different metal ions emit different coloured light when heated in a flame. The students worked enthusiastically and enjoyed the experience. It would have been a nice change from their usual theory lessons!

Congratulations Graduates!

Congratulations to Lin on successful completion of his English for Academic Purposes course. He will definitely be missed by the Advanced ELICOS class, but we wish him all the best as he commences his Higher Education journey here at Ozford Institute of Higher Education. Well done!

Extension and Enhancement Program

Studying can be hard. Especially the higher you get. Ozford understood this and offers students the ability to shave off subjects from their University degrees by studying concurrently with their VCE. Highly able students can also in Year 12 apply to participate in Enhancement and Extension Programs offered by some universities in Melbourne. These programs […]

Melbourne the Best Place to Study

Life is a journey. Whether you belong to a place for your whole life or you keep changing the place you belong to. Especially for my generation, but also for adults, travelling is such an enriching experience. It doesn’t only develop your capacities, but it also improves your way of thinking. Living abroad is getting […]