

On Thursday 12th December, family and friends gathered at Ozford to celebrate the graduation of Higher Ed students who successfully completed their degrees. 15 students were presented their degree certificates by Ozford’s Academic Dean, Professor Sheikh Rahman. As well as receiving their Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Accounting degrees, awards were given to students...
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Enzo Peperkamp, study in High School, shows the world just how amazing he is by achieving 95.25% in his ATAR results. Enzo, 16 from France, ranks himself in the top 5% of the State and becomes the highest ranking student who has studied at Ozford. For those who are not familiar with what ATAR is,...
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On Friday 6th December, High School students celebrated the last day of term with an assembly led by Head Master, Leigh Adams, who took the time to reflect on an excellent Semester at Ozford. Attendance and best effort awards were given to students and all were congratulated on their achievements. Congratulations to all our High...
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On Thursday 5th December, our ELICOS students spent the afternoon volunteering in Pipemakers Park in Maribyrnong. The students learnt about native/indigenous vegetation and how introduced species are harmful. Team leader, Jess, showed the group how to identify the difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ plants, and how to use the garden tools to remove all the...
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Ozford have moved levels from Level 7 to the Ground Floor. The Library/Student Resource Hub is now open and hours remain the same, Monday to Friday from 8:30am-5pm . You can now find your favourite people on the Ground Floor of 310 King Street including Ozford Susan, Ozford Ivy, Ozford Semi and the accounts team. If...
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Thursday 28th November was an exciting day for ELICOS students! Students headed to the Botanical Gardens for the afternoon to participate in a scavenger hunt. Students used the Goosechase app, which is an interactive game that requires competitors to complete challenges and activities in teams. Students were given ‘missions to complete’ and post to the...
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On Friday 22nd November, Ozford students and staff headed to Flagstaff Gardens to celebrate the end of a busy term. In true Aussie style, staff used one of the many public BBQs to cook up some delicious food. John, our High School Teacher who is Australian, cooked traditional food for everyone including sausage sizzlers, corn...
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On Thursday 21st November, our ELICOS classes visited the Immigration Museum in CPD. The Immigration museum is a place where people can explore the histories, stories and contemporary issues of Victoria’s diverse communities. Our English learning students have been learning about immigration this term, exploring the meaning and how Australia became the multicultural society it...
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On Tuesday 22nd October 2019, the VCAL students at Ozford College took part in the Salvation Army Homelessness tour of Melbourne. The two and half hour program is situated in the CBD. The Ozford students spent the first hour or so in the 59 Bourke Street Education office developing their understanding of homelessness and challenge any stereotypes....
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On Thursday 24th October 2019, our students from English Language course went on an excursion to Pure Pie, located in the Docklands near Melbourne CBD. Rated as one of the top 7 places in Melbourne to buy a pie, our students couldn’t resist paying them a visit. Students had a lovely afternoon ordering delicious pies,...
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