ozford College


Being conscious of how much carbon your work or study place emits, is the first step in helping to reduce emissions.   A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated by our individual and organisational actions. A large carbon footprint is damaging to the environment and our planet as a whole.   Ozford is making changes to...
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With the Covid-19 vaccine rollout of Pfizer and Astra Zeneca ramping up in Australia and the recent distribution of Moderna, Ozford is able to slowly start making a return to campus over the next month or two but it is vital that we all get vaccinated to ensure the safety of each and every one of...
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Ozford is excited to announce that it is hosting its first-ever virtual career fair for current, old and new students. We want to provide a guided and detailed program that will allow you to get the resources necessary to build your confidence and be prepared for entering the workforce.   Employers are now beginning to recruit for 2022, so whether you are completing an Australian High...
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With exam time looming next month and the end of the academic year fast approaching, it’s time to put together all you’ve learned this year and ensure you get the exam results you deserve.  Ozford Library is the one-stop student resource centre located on the ground floor. It is the perfect place for students who...
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As we are spending more and more time online, it’s important to be reminded of the precautions we need to take to stay safe on the internet. Using digital tools for work and study provide us with a range of opportunities whilst also making things easier and more accessible, but we also need to ensure...
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As winter approaches in the northern hemisphere, we are lucky enough to be entering spring here in Australia. The Ozford team always makes the most of the good weather here in Melbourne, making opportunities for students to experience learning outdoors and not just within the classroom walls or online. Spring in Australia runs from September...
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Calling all cities, states, and countries in lockdowns, this is your time to maximise your potential and get smart and savvy. Just because you’re in lockdown, it doesn’t mean you have to sit watching endless TV series on Netflix like everybody else. Use this time to learn and build a better future for yourself.  Here...
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Our Ozford College Year 12 students have worked hard this year and are now getting ready for their final year exams.  Finishing Year 12 can be a scary prospect for many students when school is all they have known since they were young, but it’s such an important time to start thinking about and preparing...
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Whether you’re finishing Year 12 at Ozford College or are approaching graduation from Ozford Institute of Higher Education, you may be planning to move out of your parent’s house, or perhaps you are currently renting. Your mind might start to wonder about buying your own property one day, but how easy is it for the...
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Student life can be hectic trying to balance all your educational responsibilities and ensure you meet your target grades, hand in your assessments on time, and pass your exams. Yet, many students get so weighed down with these responsibilities that they forget to take time out for themselves.  With the added stress of the pandemic...
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