

“Dear Parents/Guardians,We would like to share our sincere congratulations to Ozford’s graduating Class of 2022, whom received their VCE results. We are delighted to announce that our 2022 Year 12 class of 13 students have achieved outstanding VCE results.–    1 student (7.7% of the cohort) achieved 95 or above, placing them in the top 5% of the state. Outstanding 40 study...
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Hello students!For many high school students, the idea of sitting down and studying can be daunting. It’s easy to procrastinate and put off studying until the last minute, but this approach can lead to stress and poor performance on exams. So, how can you force yourself to study, even when you don’t feel like it?...
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Hello Melbourne! Today is a BIG day for the vast majority of year 12 students finishing VCE this year. Indeed, the score they’ve all been working towards throughout this long and stressful year was released this morning, at 7am.  From now, the next big things will be in relation to VTAC. If you haven’t yet,...
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Whether it is school, work, or both, a lot of responsibilities can make every day look like the previous one, and you will probably not be looking forward to the next day because of that very monotonous daily grind. You might also experience lots of stress and lack of rest during your time off. Mixing...
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What will be your resolution for this coming year, start going to the gym? Save towards buying yourself something big you’ve been dreaming about for a while now? Or even do more work at school/uni to improve your grades? Well, all of those things have something in common. If you never start, you will never...
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Source With the end of exams for both VCE and Semester 2 for Uni students, many of our students faced the following seemingly impossible challenge to solve: how is it possible to stop studies from dictating and taking over your life? Whether it is stress, other obligations, or just a lack of consistent studying, you...
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Hello students! You might be in the middle of your grind, busy every day with work, school, or any side hustle going on. Consequently, your only free time is spent socializing with others. In consequence, you never really take the time to set back, relax and recharge. While this might work for you in the...
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After High School, probably halfway through your higher studies or later, you will find yourself faced with the challenge of fitting a full-time workload while having to continuously support yourself. This can get really tiring. While in High School and during your Higher Education you can get support from our student success program, or even...
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Source Hello everyone!We are -SO- glad to conclude our High School graduation ceremony on such a good note. Today was the celebration of numerous of our brilliant students, who were awarded several prizes. Special mention to Parham, who, in total, received seven awards of excellence and a High Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition! The...
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Hello Melbourne!If you are anything like our staff and students, you probably struggle to maintain a consistent rhythm with exercising. In fact, this discussion arose recently when one of our students requested some lifestyle advice. Should you need any help with that, do not worry! We are here to save the day… Once again 😏...
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