
GREAT NEWS – OZFORD to provide VCE Extension Study

We are proud to announce the approval from the VCAA Board of OZFORD’s provision of a VCE Extension Study – called Management and Law. An extension VCE study is one which provides some of the corresponding VCE unit 3/4 study, but also provides content that goes beyond or extends the VCE content.  Management and Law […]

Soaring petrol price

Source Earlier today, I asked my co-worker who insists on rocking up every day to work on their bicycle. A very valid point was made: it is not worth using a car anymore for commute, especially if you leave close to your study/work place. As part of Gen Z, we generally cannot afford such price […]

Australian Football League (AFL)

It’s… FOOOTY season! With all that sport going on at the moment, it was just a matter of days before the office started buzzing with predictions, bets and banter targeted at each other’s teams. Let us embark you in one of the unmissable experiences that will make you feel Australian: footy! Australian Football League, aka […]

Ten Reasons to Enrol in the Bachelor of Business at OZFORD

The Bachelor of Business suite of units allows students to undertake studies in business and management related fields, preparing you for a variety of career opportunities, including marketing, general business management, human resource marketing and accounting. The Bachelor of Business courses allows students to choose two specialisations from management, marketing and accounting which should increase […]

OZFORD Assists Business Students Transition to Higher Education

OZFORD Institute of Higher Education wants to help VCE students with their Business-related subjects. If you need assistance with Business Management, Legal Studies, Economics or Accounting, then contact us. We seek to enable you to perform better in the VCE, clarify Business pathways, and provide Business Degree units while enrolled in VCE. We can help […]

Australian Federal Election

Remember when Halloween was the scariest night of there year? Well now its Election Night and its coming up on us sooner than we realise. The Ozford Campus is alive with talks on the upcoming bout with an abundance of heated, yet healthy, debate echoing through the hallways. I want to prefix this blog by […]