
@Ozford_Australia on TikTok!

Hello Melbournians! Can you smell what Ozford is cooking? That’s right: we’ve finally jumped on the bandwagon and we joined Tiktok to share all of the fun, inspiring and useful stories that are taking place on campus. Connect with us at @ozford_australia. Since Tiktok is meant to be a social media, we believe it has […]

VCE Extension Subjects program

Hello Melbourne! We are delighted here at Ozford to communicate this formidable news with you: we now offer an Acceleration program for VCE high achievers. It is an exclusive, prestigious program that lets you begin your University course while in VCE, and the best part is that it counts towards your VCE! The two units […]

Climate change

One of today’s water cooler chatters revolved around the team’s worries regarding the current status of climate change. With a constant and worrying increase in temperatures of both the air and the ocean, the climate change is a really concerning process. Just in Australia and its surroundings for example, the climate has warmed by more […]

GREAT NEWS – OZFORD to provide VCE Extension Study

We are proud to announce the approval from the VCAA Board of OZFORD’s provision of a VCE Extension Study – called Management and Law. An extension VCE study is one which provides some of the corresponding VCE unit 3/4 study, but also provides content that goes beyond or extends the VCE content.  Management and Law […]

Soaring petrol price

Source Earlier today, I asked my co-worker who insists on rocking up every day to work on their bicycle. A very valid point was made: it is not worth using a car anymore for commute, especially if you leave close to your study/work place. As part of Gen Z, we generally cannot afford such price […]

Australian Football League (AFL)

It’s… FOOOTY season! With all that sport going on at the moment, it was just a matter of days before the office started buzzing with predictions, bets and banter targeted at each other’s teams. Let us embark you in one of the unmissable experiences that will make you feel Australian: footy! Australian Football League, aka […]