
Fee Help @ ozford

Study with ‘FEE-HELP’

We at Ozford, believe that our success lies in the success of our students. And we make it happen by being committed to achieving education for excellence. We are located at Ground 123-129 Lonsdale Street, right in the heart of Melbourne. Easily accessible and open to opportunities within the Central Business District. There are no […]

Power in Diversity & Equality  

At Ozford, we believe that it is important that we continually exercise and build on these two points to nurture our future leaders.   Diversity is the representation of people of all walks of life in an institution, organisation, or among the broader community. It’s only more recently that, screen media, like television and web casts, […]

What’s the deal with fake news? 

It’s not surprising that the team at Ozford implore everyone to ask themselves where the source of the news and information is coming from.   There’s been a rise in fake news lately thanks to the ease of access to social media portals, deep fake videos, and a world that is becoming ever more divisive.   If […]

Who are you connecting with? 

Ozford uses many methods to connect with people both in Melbourne and abroad. To list only a few examples, we have Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, emails and face to face. It goes without saying that we connect with fellow colleagues and people we already know but, a large part of people we connect with are unknowns […]

Animal Extinction

So, you’re a crocodile, and it’s circa 66 million years BC, you see a bright flash streak across the sky headed for the region now known as Yucatan in Central America, you hear an all-mighty rumble under your spiny feet and look up to see the horizon head toward you at a fantastic speed. You […]

Climate Change

Ozford resides in the temperate city of Melbourne but summertime temperatures can get hot… sometimes in the mid 40 degrees Celsius!   Regardless of what the shock-jocks say, this world is heating up! Sure, the Earth’s temperature over time will ebb and flow due to volcanic activity, solar fluctuations, and variations in the Earth’s tilt and […]

Communication Styles

At Ozford, it is imperative that best practice in communication is top of mind, regardless of whether you are a student, educator agent or even the mailman. Great communication is an important part of how we ensure that we deliver a high standard of education.  For students, communicating ideas through the written medium for assessments […]

The Supply Chains in Australia

Ozford is located at the heart of the Melbourne’s CBD, and there are many great shopping outlets for us to enjoy but occasionally, you’re presented with this scenario…   So, you’re at the supermarket, you’ve just bought your vegies, you get to aisle 8 and then you see that, ahhh… someone’s taken all the toilet paper… […]