

The Bachelor of Business suite of units allows students to undertake studies in business and management related fields, preparing you for a variety of career opportunities, including marketing, general business management, human resource marketing and accounting. The Bachelor of Business courses allows students to choose two specialisations from management, marketing and accounting which should increase...
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This week we will be introducing our first blog in a series of “TOP 5” blogs to be released every week. Fear not, none of these blogs will venture into the “top 5  reasons to vote liberal” or “top 5 reasons Gen Z have it all” or god forbid ‘top 5 reasons why the new...
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OZFORD Institute of Higher Education wants to help VCE students with their Business-related subjects. If you need assistance with Business Management, Legal Studies, Economics or Accounting, then contact us. We seek to enable you to perform better in the VCE, clarify Business pathways, and provide Business Degree units while enrolled in VCE. We can help...
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Remember when Halloween was the scariest night of there year? Well now its Election Night and its coming up on us sooner than we realise. The Ozford Campus is alive with talks on the upcoming bout with an abundance of heated, yet healthy, debate echoing through the hallways. I want to prefix this blog by...
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Weeeeeeeeee!!!!  Electronic scooters, or, e-scooters, are kind of like swings, merry-go-rounds or seesaws for us grownups.   … But they’re not only fun, but they are also super handy to get from A to B.  Ozford is located at the heart of the CBD and all of our staff and, students must find safe and effective...
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Fee Help @ ozford
We at Ozford, believe that our success lies in the success of our students. And we make it happen by being committed to achieving education for excellence. We are located at Ground 123-129 Lonsdale Street, right in the heart of Melbourne. Easily accessible and open to opportunities within the Central Business District. There are no...
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Studying at Ozford, or anywhere for that matter, can feel like things are moving very fast.    For example, in order to keep up to date with the ever-changing digital landscape, consumers (yes that’s you!) need to move fast and remain agile. When an update to a program is presented, one needs to embrace it, even...
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It’s not surprising that the team at Ozford implore everyone to ask themselves where the source of the news and information is coming from.   There’s been a rise in fake news lately thanks to the ease of access to social media portals, deep fake videos, and a world that is becoming ever more divisive.   If...
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Ozford uses many methods to connect with people both in Melbourne and abroad. To list only a few examples, we have Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, emails and face to face. It goes without saying that we connect with fellow colleagues and people we already know but, a large part of people we connect with are unknowns...
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So, you’re a crocodile, and it’s circa 66 million years BC, you see a bright flash streak across the sky headed for the region now known as Yucatan in Central America, you hear an all-mighty rumble under your spiny feet and look up to see the horizon head toward you at a fantastic speed. You...
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